
『香芒雞肉酥皮卷配蔬菜條雞心豆蓉醬』食譜 Mango Chicken Puff Pastry

材料 (一人份量) :
  1. 英國奥克姆雞胸塊 3塊
  2. 酥皮 一塊
  3. 芒果 100克
  4. 什錦小甜椒 3隻
  5. 西芹 1條
  6. 紅椒粉 少許
  7. 碎巴馬臣芝士 10克
  8. 忌廉 50毫升
  9. 蔬菜條連雞心豆蓉醬 一份
  10. 糖 少許
  11. 黑椒 鹽 少許
  1. 把西芹、芒果、彩椒及雞塊切粒。
  2. 雞肉以鹽、黑椒及紅椒粉調味。
  3. 以少許橄欖油起鑊,炒香雞肉及蔬果粒。
  4. 拌入忌廉、少許糖及碎芝士,離火備用。
  5. 於牛油紙上把酥皮擀開,切成約30cm的方塊。
  6. 於兩側約1/3闊度起每隔2cm界開。
  7. 中間放上白汁蔬果雞粒。
  8. 左右重疊織成卷狀,塗上蛋漿。
  9. 放進已預熱180度的焗爐焗20分鐘即成。
Ingredients (Serves 1):
  1. 3 British Oakham chicken mini breast fillets
  2. 1 pack all butter puff pastry, thawed
  3. 100g mango
  4. 3 mixed baby peppers
  5. 1 celery stalk
  6. Pinch of sweet paprika
  7. 10g grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  8. 50ml cream
  9. 1 portion of vegetable selection with houmous
  10. Pinch of sugar
  11. Pinch of sea salt & black pepper
  1. Dice chicken fillets, celery stalk, mango and bell peppers.
  2. Season chicken with sea salt, black pepper and paprika.
  3. Stir fry chicken, mango and vegetable pieces with a bit olive oil.
  4. Stir in cream, sugar and cheese, off the heat and set aside.
  5. Roll out pastry on parchment paper and cut it into a 30 cm square.
  6. Cut 2 cm wide strips horizontally and leave the middle strip about 1/3 total width.
  7. Spread the chicken mixture along the centre strip.
  8. Fold the side strips over chicken mixture, alternating strips from each side to form a roll. Brush with egg wash.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes in 180°C preheated oven.
  10. Serve with the vegetable selection with houmous

